Main Street Laurens’ 22nd Annual Squealin’ on the Square
October 4 & 5 2024
With the Courthouse Square as the centerpiece of this event, historic downtown comes alive as hundreds of people arrive for the festivities. We are interested in a variety of participants to keep our event appealing, so this year, we will be carefully jurying these applications.
1. Date: Friday, Oct 4 and Saturday, October 5
2. Time: Friday 3pm–9pm and Saturday 11am–7pm - (required to participate both days)
3. Location: Downtown Laurens – Courthouse Square (Hwy 76)
Booth Spaces: Handmade ARTS& CRAFTS, RETAIL/BUSINESS, NON-PROFIT/CHURCHES AND SPECIALTY FOOD ARE 10’ X 10’ and should be covered by a tent or awning. Tent/awning must be appropriately weighted. The fee is for BOTH days of the event and includes $20 City of Laurens Business License Fee.
Crafts spaces $100 registration. Crafters are defined as vendors whose crafts are handmade by the artist selling at the event. This may include honey and cottage food etc.
Non-Profit/Church organizations selling food are $200 registration. BOOTH SIZE 10 x 20. Non-Profits are organizations designated as a 501(c) organization by the IRS.
Non-Profit/Church organizations NOT selling food are or $100 registration. Non-Profits are organizations designated as a 501(c) organization by the IRS. Must include an activity.
Retail Vendors are $225 registration. Retail vendors are those who are re-selling items or those promoting their professional business such as chiropractors, furniture stores, banks, pool companies, etc. Only one booth per business type. Must include activities.
5. Spaces are 10 feet wide by 10 feet deep. No tables or chairs are provided. Any shelters, tables or display racks provided by the crafter must be removed by the crafter no later than 10PM Saturday. Must maintain booth space until close of festival. (Anyone leaving early will not be allowed to participate in the future)
6. Canopies are encouraged but MUST NOT exceed booth space. This will be strictly enforced.
7. SET-UP TIMES: Crafters may begin assembling areas no earlier than 1pm Fri.
Non-Profits selling food may begin assembling areas no earlier than 11am on Fri.
Non-Profits NOT selling food may begin assembling areas no earlier than 2PM on Fri.
Retail Vendors may begin assembling no earlier than 2PM Fri.
All vendors may begin set-up no earlier than 7:30AM on Saturday. Areas must be set up and all service/supply vehicles removed from the square one hour after set-up time on Friday and 8:30a Sat. Vehicles left on the square will be towed at the owner's expense.
8. Electrical power is provided only for those who request it. Extension cords will not be provided.
9. A City of Laurens Business License is required and this form serves as that license - fee included in this application.
10. Acceptance: All vendors are subject to approval by festival committee/management. Should a vendor not be accepted, all fees will be promptly returned. Acceptance by the Squealin’ on the Square committee is a commitment to participate in the festival and there will be NO REFUNDS. Vendors will be notified by email when accepted.
11. Applications accepted on a first-come, first serve basis.
12. Cancellations after September 1, 2024 will result in forfeiture of entire space deposit.
13. Main Street Laurens carries NO insurance for crafters and WILL NOT be responsible or liable for loss or damage from any cause.
14. South Carolina Sales Tax is the responsibility of each vendor and should be collected and paid by that vendor. The South Carolina Department of Revenue will require a sales tax number if/when visiting the festival. Forms can be obtained either by calling the SC Department of Revenue or online at sctax.org.
Items NOT PERMITTED by participants
Drink products (water, soft drinks)
Anything that can be considered a weapon of any kind
Fireworks, stink bombs, etc.
All items MUST BE APPROVED by the Squuelin' on the Square Event Committee prior to setting up booth.
For more information, contact Craig Scharton, via email at craig@mainstreetlaurens.org Please put Squealin’ in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!